Painting Decorative Cement Tiles

Posted on Decoration Ideas

Decorative cement tiles are an affordable home improvement project that can add interesting style to a room in just a few days. With proper preparation of cement prior to painting follow by careful application of all target materials. A regular cement floor can be transformed into a design element to complement any space.


Thoroughly clean the cement surface. Scrape all substances or materials stuck in the decorative cement tiles with a fluff and sweep the entire floor. Home Improve website recommends removing any oil or grease from cement by applying cat sand. then using a hard brush to scrub the area with trisodium phosphate (TSP). Rinse the floor and allow it to dry for several days. Repair cracks or holes by applying a concrete patch or using hydraulic cement.

Brush concrete adhesive into the crack or hole to be patch before applying the concrete patch mixture to the area. Use a metal patch to smooth cement patches and allow it to dry according to Manufacturer’s instructions. Stick target decorative cement tiles around the perimeter of the room to protect them from the primer, paint and sealants. Apply a cement primer. Ask an expert on a hardware store for the correct primer to use on cement flooring. Roll the primer on the entire surface to be painted and allow the floor to dry the time recommended by the manufacturer.