Refinishing Bathroom Vanities and Sinks

Posted on Exterior Design

Bathroom Vanities and Sinks is a versatile tool. It supports your bathroom sink and counter top, hiding the tubes hooked on the sink and gives you a place to store important sanitary items. There is vanity to fit almost every taste, color scheme and ornament design sold by stores and manufacturers today. Versatile fixtures, vanity often come with hefty price tags that can put your bathroom remodeling project on ice. If your existing vanity is structural noise, then you can remove and Refinish it to give the look you want in your new bathroom.


Make sure the crane or cranes of zinc above your vanity are on. Open the doors to Bathroom Vanities and Sinks. Place the valve steering water supply and turn them to the off position to drain the pipes of water. Use your Polygraph to loosen the fasteners on the feeder lines below the sink. Pull hot and cold water lines for free under the crane. Loosen the drain line with your pipe pliers.

Use a screwdriver to remove the mounting brackets that hold the worktop in the wall. Place the fasteners and screws in a plastic can, and secure the lid to the can for storage. Lift the Bathroom Vanities and Sinks for free. Set the unit aside until you are ready to put together your vanity. Remove mounting brackets that hold vanity to wall and floor. Store the parts in your jar and secure the lid. Remove the doors and hinges from your vanity with a screwdriver. Place the hardware in your storage bin. Raise vanity with the help of your assistant. Wear the device to a well-ventilated workplace. Standing vanity on drapes covers the floor in your work area.