Bathroom Chandelier Lighting Interior

Posted on Exterior Design

Bathroom chandelier lighting – Current lighting factors play an important role in home interiors. The atmosphere and theme of the room will also be supported by one element. With the right lighting technique, it can present the desired atmosphere, such as luxury or warmth. But we can play with the lighting in the bathroom. Yes, this one room can be transformed into an attractive place with the right interior and lighting arrangement. In addition to the main lights to illuminate the bathroom as a whole.

The first of bathroom chandelier lighting is task lighting. As the name implies, task lighting (local lighting) is used to provide lighting in certain places that need more light. An example is giving lighting near a mirror in the bathroom to help dress up. One mistake that often occurs when installing a lamp in a mirror is to install it right above the mirror. Intent to give lighting, precisely the conditions that occur actually create a shadow on the face that makes it difficult to see the face well.

The second lighting accent, this type of bathroom chandelier lighting provides more lighting at certain points as well as a warm impression in the bathroom. For example to illuminate a sculpture or plant on the side of the bathtub that can add comfort when you soak in it.